
Harpreet is an experienced IT professional with 9+ years of experience in different technologies and domains. In her free time she enjoys reading and writing.

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Is the New Norm Of Online Classes Beneficial To Students?

Overview COVID-19 has had an adverse impact on every sector, including education. Due to the pandemic, all schools, students, and teachers were forced to embrace online classes. We need to utilize online classes and technology to their fullest potential, accepting this trend as part of the new normal. Various technological...

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The Best Education Management System In India- Edneed

Overview Give a look around yourself, and you can clearly see the changes made by technological advancements. As for the education sector, new phenomenons are being introduced by EdTech companies daily. For the past 2 years, we have witnessed tremendous changes in the educational paradigm, be it online classes, online...

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What Has Changed In The Teaching Over Time?

Overview Education has undergone a sea change in a world driven primarily by technology. Education in recent years has undergone a complete overhaul from the days of chalk talk. Along with technology, a variety of factors have catalyzed this change. Education, for instance, is going digital. It is as if...

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Follow These Revision Tips for a Better Performance in Test

Overview When you recall or review the material you made for the examination, this process is called revision. In simple terms, revision can be defined as re-examining something. Practicing a particular concept over and over again helps students become confident that they understand it without any doubts. Let us take...

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Make your website hassle-free in just 2 minutes

Overview A website is the first thing any person notices for an institute. Ever since the paradigm has started shifting to online mode, the importance of a website has also risen. We understand that you might have to go through a lot of hassles while creating a website for your...

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Perform SWOT Analysis in Teaching for Better Results

Overview Teachers can use SWOT analysis in teaching and learning to monitor the progress of each of their students. The best way to conduct a SWOT analysis is to allow diverse groups in the class to provide real data points instead of prescriptive statements. A subject teacher, for example, can...

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Edneed School Management Software: Make Your Institute Ready For 2022

Overview The educational paradigm has somewhat partially or fully shifted to the online mode with technological advancements. One of the most prominent examples of this change is that traditional classrooms have been replaced with online classes. Also, the phenomenon of online tests has been observed by students all over the...

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Everything You Need To Know About The Learning Resources

Overview Educators and learners are evolving in our ever-changing dynamic world, and they both play important roles. The learner has taken on an increasingly active role in the classroom, while the teacher appears to have become more passive. Teachers are responsible for making learners curious, encouraging them to be driven...

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Education Management System: Trends To Look Out In 2022

Overview Nowadays, it is impossible to talk about education without mentioning digital platforms. The platforms serve as a vehicle to ensure that everyone has access to education. Institutes are now shifting to these platforms, which means they are looking for something which will enable them to innovate digital learning, and...

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School Management System: The Best Friend For Educators

Overview Remember the time when everything including the education sector in the world was on hold? The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was so huge that we witnessed the closing of schools nationwide, showing the spread of the disease at different stages in different countries. The pandemic that caused all...

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