Pride In Acceptance
Pride month is celebrated all across the world in the month of June to display solidarity and affection towards one of the most marginalized sections of our society, the LGBTQ community. The foundation of pride month dates back to the year 1969 in a small village of New York city named “Greenwich Village”. On 28 June 1969, the police raided an inn by the name of “Stonewall Inn” and selectively showed brutality against people of LGBTQ community. Several such instances of police brutality followed which faced harsh backlash from LGBTQ people, things turned violent, riots happened and the whole thing turned into a movement which was then called the “Stonewall Uprising.” This whole fiasco helped in the initiation of the LGBTQ rights movement in the USA.
The word Pride has evolved in all these years and has created different connotations for itself. Today, the word “Pride” means representation, acceptance, honor, dignity, inclusivity, diversity, etc. It is the key word which signifies the struggle, the battles that all these people from LGBTQ community fought all these years. The battle for acceptance from society, the battle for survival against the existing systems, the feud against archaic laws which reeked of prejudices against LGBTQ community and looked down on them as some second class citizens.
Edneed stands strong with our LGBTQ counterparts and appreciates them for their continuous and commendable struggle and hard fought victory in getting the acceptance and recognition that they were seeking from our society through all these years. At Edneed, we believe in Pride, we believe in acceptance. We stand for the exact same values and principles on which they based their struggle on, we are all for equality, we all believe in diversity, unity, individuality and prosperity for all the sections of society.
At Edneed, We believe that honesty or Integrity is one of the best qualities that a person could possess. Honesty is the best policy in personal as well as in professional life. Every professional should be extremely honest to their employers, their organization and to themselves.
This quality is becoming rarer each passing day and anyone who displays this particular trait should be treated with respect. Our counterparts from the LGBTQ community surely possess this quality, they are honest with their identity, they are honest about their needs and their feelings, they are honest to their friends, their families about who they really are and how they want to live for the rest of their lives. It is unfortunate that still many people don’t appreciate their honesty and want them to live in a facade, with a kind of imposed identity but things change and hopefully this will change too.
Equal opportunity
Edneed was founded with the goal of providing equal opportunities to everyone, to make people educated, to make people self-sufficient by introducing them to the phenomenon called “digitization”. Our goal is to provide equal opportunities to the well deserved, to provide the world a level plain field so that they can also experience growth and contribute in making the world an equal and ideal place for all.
We believe that Equality and Equal opportunities should be everyone’s right, that’s why we have nothing but respect for our companions from the LGBTQ community. They understand the value of equality and equal opportunities, they spent years of their lives to achieve their rights, they literally struggled for years just to receive the same kind of opportunities, the same kind of treatment from others that anyone who is considered as straight enjoys since his/her birth.
Selfless service
We believe in giving back to our society, this value of “selfless service” is ingrained in Edneed’s DNA since its inception. We are dedicated towards our mission of making knowledge accessible for all irrespective of their age, identity or sexuality. We are proud about the struggles and success story of our LGBTQ companions, their fights against inequality and discrimination serves as a motivational tale for all. We have faith in endless opportunities, we are beyond prejudice, We believe in “Pride in Acceptance”, We are Edneed.